No one believes the words of a liar

Once there lived a naughty and mischievous little boy named somu in a small village with his father. Being the only son, his father loved and pampered him so much that he never used to say anything for the mischievous things done. His father livelihood is to raise the sheep’s and sell them in the market to earn his daily food.

The boy used to waste his entire day by playing pranks on the villagers. He hates to go along with his father to mind the sheep’s. But one day his father gets an important work so, he has to go to other village to finish that work.  He says his son to take care of the sheep’s for three days. He also said be careful and watch the sheep’s, since many wild animals quietly and quickly eat the sheep’s. If you found any such, call the villagers immediately for help. Saying all these precautions his father leaves to another village

The very next day, somu takes all the sheep’s to graze in meadow at regular time. The sheep’s were very busy in grazing the grass. Somu sat near the tree but he don’t like to sitting idle he recollected the words said by his father that whenever you see any wild animal then shout out and call all the villagers immediately. Then the boy thought of testing out whether the villagers come really when he shouts

Then he shouts help me help me there is a lion, lion

By hearing these words the villagers immediately kept their work aside and ran near the boy with the sticks in their hands. When they came near the boy they didn’t find any lion over there

Then the villagers asked the boy. Oh! Somu where is the lion we could not find anything here?

I have played a prank and tested whether will you come really if I called you out

Then hearing these villagers was very angry and warned the boy not to play these dirty pranks on them and left the place

The next day again the boy again played the same prank saying Lion! Lion! please help me. Then hearing these villagers again came with their sticks and beating the vessels. But when they came and saw they didn’t find anything and again warned the boy that if you do this way then nobody will come and help you when the lion really comes. And we are warning you not to play these pranks again on us. If you do so we will complaint to your father. 

Then the third day when he sat on the tree he saw a lion eating all his sheep’s one by one then he shouted for help lion! Lion! please come and help me. Then the villagers thought that the boy is playing pranks and nobody went to rescue the boy and his sheep’s. They thought that the boy is exceeding his limits and fooling us. No one from us should go there. If we go we will become fools in front of him.

No villager went the rescue the boy and the lion ate almost five to six sheep’s of the boy and left. Then the boy climbed down the tree and started crying hearing this the villagers came to know that really lion came and ate his sheep’s and felt sorry for the boy. But they thought that the boy is playing prank on them

The boy said sorry to the villagers and said you people didn’t come to help because you thought I was playing pranks. From this I have learn a lesson that we should never lie in any circumstances and trouble others with the pranks.


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