
Showing posts from February, 2014

Think and act

Once there lived a farmer named Ram with his wife Rama in a lakshmapur, which is a small village surrounded by lush green fillers.  The young couple was blessed with a baby boy.  They named the boy as Rahul. With the addition of a boy, their family has become complete All three together started living happily.   Everyday Ram used to go to fields  every morning and carry out his work till fall of day and comeback home to play with his son. One day his wife thought of having a pet to look after him and also play with him. Ram accepted his  Wife's wish of having a pet. On his way to fields, he found a mongoose lying under the tree. He got an idea and said “why don’t I take this to my home”? This will be a good companion for my child. Both the couple welcomed the pet any gave lots of love for it. In no time,the child and mongoose became good playmates. Days are passing happily and one day the couple decided to go to the nearby village for shopping household items leaving their

Greediness ruins a person’s life

Once there lived an old man in a small village along with his beautiful and young wife named Lakshmi. He is very calm and relaxed but his wife is very aggressive. She loves to visit carnivals and shop a lot. She goes crazy about shopping, but been poor she could not shop as much as she wants. The poor old man could not earn more money due to his ill health and he just had a small house and little money. Everyday both use to quarrel with each other and one day they was quarreling badly and a crook was watching their fight quietly from outside and saw lakshmi running out seriously from her home. He followed her and tried speak with her. He waited for few minutes and approached her and said “hai beautiful lady I saw your struggle with that old man I know that he could not fulfill all your wishes you can come along with me I am alone we will marry I have lot of money but no one is there to spend it, if you come with me you can enjoy a luxurious life. So, tell me your opinion I will b