Greediness ruins a person’s life

Once there lived an old man in a small village along with his beautiful and young wife named Lakshmi. He is very calm and relaxed but his wife is very aggressive. She loves to visit carnivals and shop a lot. She goes crazy about shopping, but been poor she could not shop as much as she wants. The poor old man could not earn more money due to his ill health and he just had a small house and little money. Everyday both use to quarrel with each other and one day they was quarreling badly and a crook was watching their fight quietly from outside and saw lakshmi running out seriously from her home. He followed her and tried speak with her.

He waited for few minutes and approached her and said “hai beautiful lady I saw your struggle with that old man I know that he could not fulfill all your wishes you can come along with me I am alone we will marry I have lot of money but no one is there to spend it, if you come with me you can enjoy a luxurious life. So, tell me your opinion I will be waiting for you till noon.
With these words the young lady was totally convinced and was ready to go with him. The same night she acquired all her clothes, money and jewellery and left with the person for another village. They have reached the river i.e. on the outskirts of the village. Then the crook said, dear could you please wait near the banks of the river so that I could swim to other side and arrange a boat for us and he also said to handover the jewellery box to him as she is alone. The poor lady came in his words and gave all the jewellery, money and clothes that she brought from her home. The crook felt that his strategy has worked out and got what he wanted and left happily from that vicinity.

The poor lady was waiting for the crook from two days near the riverside but there is no sign of his arrival. Just then a jackal came near the river bank with large chunk of meat in his mouth. Then he views a big fish in the river, in the greed of catching the fish it left the large chunk of meat on the riverside. A crow which was watching all the drama came near the river bank and took the meat chunk and flew away. The crow movement alerted the fish and it went back to the river bed. Thus, the jackal had neither the fish nor the chunk of meat it acquired to eat.

Observing all these the young lady burst out into laugh. Seeing this jackal felt very angry and said why are you laughing at me? Then the lady replied, you have nothing to eat if you would have satisfied with what you got you would have not left starving. Listening to this jackal laughed at the young lady and replied, you are similar to me and in fact you have lost more than me, lady wondered, how could this be how am I similar to you? Then the jackal said you have lost your husband and your jewellery. Moreover no one will show pity on you and your totally life was spoiled.  

Be happy with what you posses. From this lesson we can also learn that greediness ruins a person’s life.  


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